The return of Hearts v Hibs Legends for The Destiny Project

Following on from a hugely successful event last year, the Destiny Project are again hosting a legends match in support of the charity, whilst raising awareness of mental health. Come and join us at 12:30pm on Sunday 26th September at Ainslie Park Stadium, your tickets are available here:


For opportunities to sponsor the event, involve your children as mascots or even to play in the match, check out the Destiny Project website and social media for details. See you there! 

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Another Enriching ACE Aware Nation Event

Last weekend at the Crowne Plaza, Glasgow, over 600 of us gathered for another ACE Aware Nation event, 5  years on from the first in 2018 where a grassroots movement began. Our aim is that everyone in Scotland understands childhood trauma and its impact both on children and the adults that we become. If you are not yet involved then follow @ACEAwareNation on social media and on their website, and feel free to talk to absolutely anyone involved who will very happily make you feel welcome. 

Here is further information on the event, which was led by Gabor Mate:

ACE-Aware Nation are delighted to announce the return visit to Scotland of internationally renowned speaker and author Dr Gabor Maté.


Gabor Maté M.D., C.M., is a Canadian physician (retired), public speaker and bestselling author, published internationally in multiple languages. His book on addiction, the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, is used as a text in many institutions of higher learning in Canada and the U.S. His most recent book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture, to be published in over 30 languages on five continents, has been and continues to be a #1 Canadian bestseller and, as of April 16, 2023, will been 19 weeks a New York Times bestseller.

After two decades as a family doctor and palliative care director, for twelve years Gabor worked in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside with patients challenged by hard-core drug addiction, mental illness and HIV, including at Vancouver Supervised Injection Site, North America’s first such facility. His other interests encompass childhood developmental issues, ADHD, mind/body health, trauma and parenting. He is in constant demand as a speaker internationally and has addressed judicial bodies in Canada, the U.S. and Australia on the links between trauma, addictions, and dysfunctional behaviours. He has worked with many Indigenous communities around these issues.

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Joining the Team at Child Bereavement UK

I am delighted to have joined the team at Child Bereavement UK recently as National Development Coordinator for Scotland. 

For information about the organisation, who provide support when a child dies or when a child grieves, check out the array of resources here:

Also, here is my recent piece for the organisational magazine which says more about what we do, and what I do: 

I joined Child Bereavement UK in early August. I’m grateful for such a warm welcome from other team members, and from external partners and others that we collaborate with, which I think speaks volumes for Child Bereavement UK and the work that we do in Scotland.   My role involves collaborating with lots of dedicated and passionate people to provide the best guidance and support to other professionals, families, children and young people when they need it most. I feel privileged to spend time designing and delivering training, helping people to find the direct support that is needed for the people that we are working with and discussing, planning, and actioning new developments in bereavement support across Scotland. All of this is anchored by the work that I do to continue the facilitation and development of the local bereavement support networks that have been so well established by other team members at the charity, both past and present.

There are lots of different priorities in my job and I am responsible for work across the whole of Scotland which, although relatively small compared to many other countries in Europe in terms of population, has such rich variety in terms of the nature of the needs of different communities including those related to the geographical spread and location. The opportunities to connect with people that live in remote locations (including travelling when possible) on one day and then working in a vibrant and diverse urban community in a city or town on another day are amongst the things that I enjoy about this job.   I am counsellor,  psychotherapist and practice supervisor and have been working as a mental health consultant for the last few years including designing and delivering training on things including counselling, counselling skills, staff wellbeing, trauma awareness, and supporting people impacted by alcohol and other drugs. I also did some coaching and sports psychology with individuals and teams. I have worked with and for several different third sector organisations and have some statutory sector experience both in Scotland and other parts of Europe – all focused on providing therapeutic support to people.

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Self Care Questions Answered for Young People

3 years on from a time that was very traumatic for many of us, here is a recap of the work I did at the time in partnership with Young Scot, with YouthLink Scotland. 

Whether we are facing the most challenging of times, or the least, our self care for our mental health, and overall health, is always important. 

For young people, they continue to suffer health impacts more than ever since 2020

I hope the answers to questions asked by young people in 2020 are equally helpful now as we continue to recover as a society. 

Remember, counselling, coaching and training is available, and you can find more information on this website! If you have any questions or need any more information - please get in touch via the contact funtion. 

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Brand New NowCounselling Mental Health at Work Course Available to Buy Now!

My brand new course - Taking Care of Our Mental Health is available to buy from today. Below is some more information from the Policy Hub Scotland website: 

Taking Care of Our Mental Health is a Policy Hub Scotland online course developed by Sean Humphreys, a mental health consultant at Now Counselling. Sean works with individuals, groups, teams and organisations across the UK and Europe - as a trainer, counsellor, practice supervisor and coach. This course helps people learn more about what mental health is and how to promote their own sense of psychological stability and contentment. It is designed to help you evaluate where you are at when it comes to your mental health at work, and to provide an opportunity to learn some knowledge, skills and tools that you can integrate into your own self-care routine, whatever that may be.

The course is developed with a focus on taking care of our mental health health individually, and as part of a team. It is designed to help you evaluate where you are at when it comes to your mental health at work, and to provide an opportunity to learn some knowledge, skills and tools that you can integrate into your own self care routine (both in and out of work), whatever that may be. If you are familiar with conversations about self care then this course is for you. And, even if you aren't - yet - then this course will help you start that journey. 

Key ThemesExploring ‘What is Mental Health?’The importance of finding our Mental Health BalanceWhat happens when our Mental Health is out of balance?Understanding the stress response and what triggers it?Looking at Trauma and childhood adversity – recognising its intensity and its impactThe value of connected relationships and kindnessPrioritising your self-care going forward: Review – Ready – Regulate The course is available from this week, Mental Health Awareness Week, to buy direct from Policy Hub Scotland for you, and your team or organisation.

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Tapping Meditation with Affirmations

Here I share with you all a tapping meditation with affirmations. During this we will be connecting our thoughts and our actions with our emotions and with the inner workings of our body - our biology - and this is the key to meditation, or mindfulness, focusing all of ourselves on the present moment. When we do this once, it can have a positive benefit on our mental health, and overall health. For the following moments, we can feel more confident  and motivated. But the true power of meditation is what it does for us when we do it regularly, daily or even several times a day. It can be transformative for our health and particualrly when it involves affirmations, like this one, it can help change our mindset and reprogammme our subconscious beliefs.

Give it a try and see what you think:

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Imagine A Man - Toolkit Launch #PositiveMasculinity

I was delighted to attend the launch of the toolkit for Imagine a Man yesterday in Glasgow. To learn more about this, from the website on the project who led the co-design, read on: 

In 2021 as part of the No Knives, Better Lives programme, YouthLink Scotland explored what it is like to be a boy or young man in Scotland today. The purpose of the research was to develop and deepen our understanding of how young people feel about masculinity and growing up. Lots of young people took […]

In 2021 as part of the No Knives, Better Lives programme, YouthLink Scotland explored what it is like to be a boy or young man in Scotland today.

The purpose of the research was to develop and deepen our understanding of how young people feel about masculinity and growing up. Lots of young people took part in our research and we were a little surprised at the high level of interest. This showed us that this is an important subject and young people really wanted to talk about it.

Because violence is predominantly a male experience (as they are much more likely than women to be both perpetrators and victims of violent acts) we wanted to find out when, where and who could make a positive intervention. We also wanted to find out, from boys and young men themselves, how they reflected on the pressures to conform to gender stereotypes and how this impacted on them as individuals. Therefore, this report addresses, primarily, the male experience of violence and analyses their understanding of risk and protective factors.

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The Alloa Half Marathon for Joey the Collie

On Sunday Claire and me are ran the Alloa Half Marathon. I originally signed up to do it for the challenge, for fitness, for fun, and because it’s a nice thing to do together. All mental health and overall health boosting tonics!

But quite recently it became about even more than that. Our friend, Joey – the most playful and loving border collie – who is the most warm hearted and beautiful soul who gives so much to others – is really unwell, with a rare condition which is life limiting. So we also ran with extra love and energy to give more strength to Joey and his owner Karen – who is another warm hearted and beautiful soul – at this really difficult time.

Also, The cost of Joey’s care and treatment is a lot – and if are able to sponsor us with a small donation then the link is included. Money is tight for almost everyone at the moment, perhaps more than ever, and I don’t like asking for donations at the best of times, but literally anything would help. I know though, very well that for lots of people even a spare pound isn’t possible at the moment so please don’t worry about stretching yourself to donate if you cant. Most importantly if you send some well wishes, some positive energy or some prayers (whatever works for you) then that will be so much appreciated and felt by Karen and Joey as they continue their journey to wellness for Joey.

Thanks to everyone who has already sent sponsorship donations, well wishes to Joey and Karen and congratulations to Claire and me for completing the race. It was challenging, but amazing to cross the line together and also see some of our friends (including Joey) and family there to celebrate with us - which was a perfect surprise.

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Fight Flight Freeze - Our Stress Response

One of the most important things that we can learn about when it comes to our mental health - or more accurately our overall health as everything is part of the same system - is about how we respond to feeling stressed.

When something is going on in the world around us that feels unsafe, or we feel in danger or under threat in any way, our stress response takes over with the purpose of keeping us safe.

We automatically adopt a survival mode which is often called fight, flight or freeze - because that is exactly what we are prepared to do. This response is the reason that we survive day to day challenges that are a threat to our actual safety.

However, once in survival mode, we are not able to think calmly and rationally, because the part of our brain that is responsible for that is not working as it normally would - we are too busy surviving.

So, when our actual safety is not under threat It is important that we learn how to find our way out of survival mode and back to a place where we feel balance, often called to self regulate.

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Moving on from Street Soccer Scotland

I am sad to share the news that I will be leaving Street Soccer Scotland at the end of March. I was informed recently that my contract as Mental Health Officer/Worker will not be renewed due to issues with funding.

I leave with many great memories of working with players to support them with their mental health, and I am proud to have tried hard to influence positive change within the organisation regarding mental health and wellbeing support and training for staff (including volunteers) and programme development.

I am currently in the process of talking to players and colleagues regarding my exit plan, and if anyone has any questions or needs any information over the coming weeks, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I wish all of the players and all of the staff team well for the future.

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Struggling with thoughts of suicide?

I havebeen having many important conversations recently about suicide, particularly with men. Often I am asked what advice I would give to someone who is struggling. 

To hear some thoughts, click on the title and then the link to watch

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Hibernian v Hearts Legends for the Destiny Project

Football, and sport in general, can be such a powerful way to bring people together. 

Towards the end of last year, the Destiny Project organised a hugely successful legends football match to raise awareness about mental health for young people and to raise funds for the work of the organisation. Young people involved with the East Lothian based charity lined up alongside heroes from both sides to produce what some say was the best Edinburgh derby of all time! The match had everything, and the event itself had even more as the supporters, volunteers and participants created a day to remember. Plans are in place for another later this year.


For more information about the orgsnaisation and how to support and you can follow on Twitter (@DestinyProj1) and Facebook. 


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#NeverAlone Wellbeing Walk in Edinburgh

My Monday morning Wellbeing Walk for Men has been a great success so far and was recently featured in a video produced by The Anfield Wrap (@TheAnfieldWrap) and Nivea Men. You can see it here

If you live in or near Moredun in South Edinburgh, or simply are going to be here at 10:30am on a Monday morning and you want to get some exercise (at your pace) and some fresh air and a chat about how you are doing (only if you want to) then come and join the group for around 90 minutes. 

The meeting point is on the road outside the Goodtrees Community Centre. If you need any more details at all then please get in touch on here, contact me on 07968 280 406 or connect on Facebook (Sean Humphreys) or Twitter (@NowCounselling) or Instagram (@NowCounsellingOfficial). 

I believe that talking and listening are the foundation for mental health for all of us, along with relationships and community, and a bit of exercise and fresh air are great too. I am the group leader - but unlike my other work as a counsellor, coach and training consultant - my reponsibility is simply to facilitate and organise the walk. I am just another man in the group there to listen, talk, share and enjoy.  


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Best Wishes For 2023

I want to wish you the warmest and best wishes for 2023, and I hope that the year brings what you are aiming for. 

Many thanks to everyone who I connected with last year and to those who were part of my journey, either directly or by offering support and guidance. The year offered many enriching experiences in counselling, coaching and developing and delivering training which took me to various parts of Scotland, as well as to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to Croatia - including presenting at the European Association for Reality Therapy Faculty Conference, educating medical students at Edinburgh University and being part of the Mens Mental Health panel at the Scottish Wellbeing Festival.

I enjoyed my work online and using video - including some more media work - and I valued so many face to face connections from one to one meetings to with teams and larger groups and to conferences and events once again including one of the highlights at ACE Aware Nation in Glasgow. I have enjoyed witnessing the power of the combination of physical and mental activity for our health with Street Soccer Scotland and during my Mens Wellbeing Walks in my community in Edinburgh and to continuing to work in Primary Schools and Secondary Schools, as well as offering my experience to the Destiny Project SCIO as a Board Member and Mental Health & Wellbeing Advisor. 

The foundation to all of this has been a continued conscious effort to work on my own development and healing. We have all experienced some form of emotional trauma in our lives. This might be historic or current, or as is often the case - a combination. Investing the time and effort to do what we need to do to resolve the emotional issues that we are facing  is not only something that I would recommend, but something that is as essential for a healthy future as trying to eat, drink and exercise as well as we can. 

No one is immune from mental health struggles, and whilst I am grateful for all of my education and professional training, lived experienced is our most important teacher and guide. 

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Interview with Frog Systems Champions Cinema

I very much enjoyed being interviewed for Frog Systems Mental Health and Wellbeing platform - Champions Cinema - recently, covering the link between sport and our mental health. 

I speak from my perspective as a counsellor, coach and training consultant and considering my work at Street Soccer Scotland, plus most importanly of all from my lived experience. 

Questions include; Why do you believe football works well to bring people together, and what advice would you give to somoene who might be struggling? 

You can watch all 10 short videos here:

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Wellbeing Walk for Men in Edinburgh (South)

Inspired by an idea from a group of men at the Florrie community project in south Liverpool (@TheFlorrie) and after further encouragement by Scotland men's football captain Andy Robertson, I am organising a @WalkFlorrie style men's wellbeing walk which will take place every Monday at 10:30am, meeting outside the Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre (@GoodtressNC) in Moredun, South Edinburgh. 

It will last an hour or so and is an opportunity to do some exercise and spend some time with other people, and if you feel like it - talk about how you are doing. 

It will be organised by me, but led by what everyone in the group wants to do as we progress. 

It is free to take part, and the first one is Monday August 1st. 

It is a beautiful and simple as that really, but if you want any further information, please give me a shout: 

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Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival

I very much enjoyed meeting so many people at the Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival on Sunday. I was part of a panel discussion on mental health for men along with David from the Joshua Nolan Foundation, Cathy from Fathers Network and hosted by Phil, the CEO of Mental Health and Wellbeing focused media platform company Frog Systems. 

I look forward to collaboarting more with all in future.

Stay tuned for updates of my video release with Frog Systems  Champions Cinema over the coming weeks. 

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European Association For Reality Therapy Conference

I am very much looking forward to setting sail for Sarajevo, Bosnia for the European Association for Reality Therapy Faculty Retreat where I will be presenting on my work over the last couple of years. However, most of all I am looking forward to connecting with colleagues from accross Europe that I haven't seen for close to 3 years and learing together. 

Stay tuned for further updates!

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Reflecting on previous #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

During this Mental Health Awareness Week, I have been thinking a lot about where we are now compared to previous years, and not least 2020 as we all tried to adapt to the demands of COVID and Lockdown. 


I was asked around this time to make a video, in collaboration with Young Scot and CAMHS, during which I attempted to answer questions from young people about mental health. I think that this is just as relevant two years on. See what you think: 



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Some Mindful Moments?


Taking some time away from daily tasks, caring responsibilities, work or studies is really important when it comes to our mental health. 


We need a break, and a chance to refresh, regualte and re-energise for the next part of our day. 


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