#NeverAlone Wellbeing Walk in Edinburgh
My Monday morning Wellbeing Walk for Men has been a great success so far and was recently featured in a video produced by The Anfield Wrap (@TheAnfieldWrap) and Nivea Men. You can see it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiSBgIE-Hjs
If you live in or near Moredun in South Edinburgh, or simply are going to be here at 10:30am on a Monday morning and you want to get some exercise (at your pace) and some fresh air and a chat about how you are doing (only if you want to) then come and join the group for around 90 minutes.
The meeting point is on the road outside the Goodtrees Community Centre. If you need any more details at all then please get in touch on here, contact me on 07968 280 406 or connect on Facebook (Sean Humphreys) or Twitter (@NowCounselling) or Instagram (@NowCounsellingOfficial).
I believe that talking and listening are the foundation for mental health for all of us, along with relationships and community, and a bit of exercise and fresh air are great too. I am the group leader - but unlike my other work as a counsellor, coach and training consultant - my reponsibility is simply to facilitate and organise the walk. I am just another man in the group there to listen, talk, share and enjoy.