Self Care Questions Answered for Young People
3 years on from a time that was very traumatic for many of us, here is a recap of the work I did at the time in partnership with Young Scot, with YouthLink Scotland.
Whether we are facing the most challenging of times, or the least, our self care for our mental health, and overall health, is always important.
For young people, they continue to suffer health impacts more than ever since 2020 https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peoplenotinwork/economicinactivity/articles/halfamillionmorepeopleareoutofthelabourforcebecauseoflongtermsickness/2022-11-10
I hope the answers to questions asked by young people in 2020 are equally helpful now as we continue to recover as a society.
Remember, counselling, coaching and training is available, and you can find more information on this website! If you have any questions or need any more information - please get in touch via the contact funtion.