Support available from NowCounselling in early 2021
In short - a lot of us are really struggling at the moment. It is not quite the start to the year that many have been hoping for.
The impact of COVID and the ongoing lockdown restrictions continue to take their toll on our mental health and wellbeing. The impact on jobs, education, the freedom to be able to do some of the things that we enjoy for sports and leisure ,the ability to connect with friends and family – all of this and more is affecting our mental health and wellbeing in a variety ways. And that is not to mention the other health impacts of the virus, both in the short and longer term, including the bereavement that many of us are suffering.
And what is making it worse, I think, for a lot of people – is the feeling that the last couple of weeks has felt like a backward step.
Perhaps even almost like we are back to square one again.
These worries, fears and anxieties are totally valid – it makes sense to feel this way. Actually, it makes sense to feel however you feel. It always does.
But if we can take one positive out of this situation, then it is that at least this time we can be a little more prepared for what the impact might be on our mental health and wellbeing.
Our experience from the months that followed March last year means that we have had the chance to find out about some of the things that are helpful for us, and things that are unhelpful for us in this type of situation. A chance to learn about things that we need to do to support ourselves and others in these strange, uncomfortable and generally awful times.
This includes staying connected in whatever way that that we can, doing the physical exercise that we are able to do, eating as well as we possibly can, being mindful of the things that we drink, trying our best to make some time to give ourselves a break and take some time for ourselves. And perhaps most importantly of all, to try to be kind to ourselves, as well as others.
All we can do is to do the best that we can to focus on doing the things that we can control, supporting each other as best we can.
NowCounselling is here for one to one and group counselling and coaching plus support in the form of supervision for workers, personal and professional training, consultancy and more.
All is available digitally or via telephone. Get in touch if there is anything that you need, and please stay connected on social media for advice and updates @NowCounselling.